
重磅新刊:OA旗舰刊SMALL SCIENCE正式开放投稿!

MaterialsViews 2022-09-26

Small 家族再添新成员!我们很高兴地宣布WILEY旗下完全开放获取旗舰期刊Small Science于近日正式开放投稿。



1963年,耶鲁大学的Derek J. de Solla Price 教授在其所著的《小科学、大科学》这本书里首次谈到了“大科学”的概念,预示了大科学时代的到来。学科交叉着推动大科学时代进程,是创新思想的主要来源并取得了杰出的成就,纳米科学作为交叉学科的代表,仍然是当今科学的前沿研究领域。在此背景下,Small Science 的推出旨在成为大科学时代国际高质量的跨学科科研技术交流平台,致力于报道来自纳米科学和纳米技术各个领域最具影响力的研究成果。期刊将特别关注高质量和有意义的跨学科原创研究工作,以及针对相关主题的重点综述文章。

Small Science 的报道范围涵盖了广义的各学科纳米研究工作,侧重于物理,化学,材料科学,工程学,环境科学,生命科学,生物学和医学等领域的微米/纳米级结构和系统的设计,表征,机理,技术和应用。认识到科学问题的复杂性和多样性,因此除了欢迎前沿的创新性跨学科研究,我们也非常欢迎针对特定领域长期挑战问题的基础科研工作。


我们很荣幸向大家介绍由Small 国际顾问编委主席领衔的编委会成员们,他们是由纳米科学界中最杰出的声音组成。我们相信他们的杰出成就和丰富经验对期刊的发展具有不可估量的价值,在他们的帮助下,我们也将共同努力创建优质开放获取平台以出版和推广纳米领域最新的优秀成果。


Khalil Amine is an Argonne Distinguished Fellow and the leader of the Advanced Battery Technology team at Argonne National Laboratory. He holds a joint appointment as professor at the University of Chicago and adjunct professor at Stanford University.

He is manager of the Advanced Battery Technology programs at Argonne National Laboratory, where he is responsible for directing the research and development of advanced materials and battery systems for HEV, PHEV, EV, satellite, military, and medical applications. Dr. Amine currently also serves as member of the U.S. National Research Consul on battery related technologies.


Gero Decher holds a position as distinguished professor of chemistry at the “Université de Strasbourg” and is affiliated with the CNRS laboratory “Institut Charles Sadron” where he is the head of the group “Polyelectrolytes, Complexes and Materials”. He is best known for his seminal role in the development of polyelectrolyte multilayers, which is today known as “layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly”, a simple yet powerful nanofabrication method that has enabled the development of entirely new technologies, including biocompatible and bio-active coatings on medical devices, ultrastrong nanocomposites, neural interfaces, charge-storage devices, gas and liquid separation devices, fire retardants, gene delivery platforms, sensing devices, chromatography adsorbents and infrared blocking windows. His present responsibilities include the coordination of the newly awarded Excellence Cluster and Graduate School “Hierarchical and Functional Materials”. 


Ulrike Diebold is an experimental surface scientist and professor of physics at TU Wien in Vienna, Austria, where she also received her PhD degree. After spending 20 years in the US she returned to her alma mater in 2010.

Her group uses numerous surface characterization and modification methods, in particular Scanning Probe Microscopy, to investigate fundamental properties of materials at the atomic scale. The main research focus is on oxides, and in understanding the structure/property relation relevant in, e.g., established and emerging schemes for energy conversion.


Harald Fuchs is a Professor of Experimental Physics at the University of Münster, Germany. In 1984 he spent a post-doctoral year with IBM Research, Zurich with G. Binnig & H. Rohrer. From 1985 he was with BASF AG, Germany, before he became in 1993 Full Professor and Director of the Physical Institute of the University of Münster. He is the founding director of the Center for Nanotechnology (CeNTech) in Münster since 1993. His research focuses on nanoscale science and -technology, ranging from scanning probe microscopy to self-organized nanostructure fabrication, and nano-bio systems.


Hideo Hosono received a Ph.D. in Applied Chemistry from Tokyo Metropolitan University in 1982, and became a professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1999. He is now an honorary and institute professor (the funding director of materials research center for element strategy) of Tokyo Tech and a distinguished fellow at NIMS. His research focus is creation of novel functional materials. The representative achievements are transparent amorphous oxide semiconductors and their TFT applications, RT stable electrides and their application to catalysts for ammonia synthesis and high-Tc iron-based superconductors.


Iijima is University professor of Meijo University, and formerly Director, Research Center for Advanced Carbon Materials, AIST. He received his PhD degree in physics (Tohoku University, 1969) and worked at Arizona State University (1970-1982) and Cambridge University (1979). He developed HRTEM, and studied numerous materials. In 1982 Iijima joined the Ultra-Fine Particles Project (JST) and he moved to the NEC Research Laboratories. In 1991 he discovered carbon nanotubes and opened up a new era of nanoscience and nanotechnology.


Chad Mirkin is a chemist and a world-renowned nanoscientist, known for his invention and development of spherical nucleic acids and nanolithography methodologies and contributions to supramolecular chemistry and nanoparticle synthesis. His innovations are being commercialized by several companies, including ones that he has founded (e.g., AuraSense, Exicure, TERA-print, and Azul 3D). He is a Fellow of all three US National Academies and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Mirkin served as an advisor to President Obama on the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. 


Lei Jiang is a Professor at the Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (TIPC) and Beihang University. He is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academy of Sciences for the Developing World, and National Academy of Engineering, USA. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Jilin University, and PhD from the University of Tokyo. He worked as a post-doctoral fellow with Prof. Akira Fujishima and then as a senior researcher in the Kanagawa Academy of Sciences and Technology. In 1999, he joined Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 2015, he and his group moved to TIPC. His scientific interests focus on bio-inspired, smart, multi-scale interfacial materials with superwettability.


Peidong Yang is a Chemistry professor, S. K. and Angela Chan Distinguished Chair Professor in Energy at the University of California, Berkeley. He is a senior faculty scientist at Materials and Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Prof. Yang is known particularly for his work on semiconductor nanowires and their photonic and energy applications including artificial photosynthesis. He is the director for California Research Alliance by BASF and for the Kavli Energy Nanoscience Institute at Berkeley.

He received his B.A. in Chemistry from the University of Science and Technology in China in 1993. He then received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Harvard University in 1997, and did his postdoctoral fellowship at the University of California, Santa Barbara.


Vivian W.-W. Yam obtained both her BSc (Hons) and PhD from The University of Hong Kong, and is currently the Philip Wong Wilson Wong Professor in Chemistry and Energy and Chair Professor of Chemistry at The University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include inorganic/organometallic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, photophysics and photochemistry, and metal-based molecular functional materials for sensing, organic optoelectronics and energy research.


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